How to Teach a Child to Tie Their ShoelacesTeaching a child to tie their shoelaces can be hard.  Really hard.  I never contemplated the frustration I’d feel until I was first asked and then I realised that what I take for granted and do daily without thinking is hard to explain.

“It shouldn’t be hard, should it?!?”

If you have ever tried to teach a child then you know what I’m talking about.  After several failed attempts at trying to demonstrate the “bunny ears” method and the “wrap around method” (which I use) I had all but given up.

Then a miracle happened…I came across this brand new technique to tie shoelaces that I had never even heard of before. It’s amazing and it really works!

The fast shoe-tying tutorial gives the “bunny-ear” method a run for its money. Basically, you make two knots, leaving space in between, then you thread both laces through, and pull.

Take a look!


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