When preparing for a baby, there are many tips and tricks you’ll get told about but
some of them are less accurate than others. Often you’ll be told you do or don’t need to do something because ‘I didn’t do it and my baby was fine’. Unfortunately, this is not always a legitimate reason to follow unsolicited advice.
Why Do You Have To Wash Baby Clothes?
There are two major reasons that you should wash all new fabric items that are going to be part of your new baby’s wardrobe:
- Most new clothes have chemicals such as formaldehyde on them to make them sit neatly and appear more attractive to the buyer. Unfortunately these types of chemicals can have a detrimental effect on your baby’s health.
. - You don’t know where the clothes have been. Most retail stores have a high turnover of refunded items. The clothing you just purchased may have been in a truck, in boxes, purchased and left in a bag in a car for several days or even worn by another baby before return.
What Should I Use To Wash My Baby Clothes?
This is completely up to you. Some parents to prefer to use the same washing powder/liquid as the family uses so the new baby builds up a resistance and doesn’t react to it later. However many parents prefer to wash their baby’s clothes in home made powder, natural baby powder or a gentle washing powder such as those made for modern cloth diapers.
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[…] a carcinogenic (cancer-causing) chemical, yet companies continue to use it in. Protect yourself by pre-washing everything before it touches your baby’s […]