Wheatgrass-To-Naturally-Heal-AcneWe mostly hear about wheatgrass juice as something to drink, but it can also be great to keep your skin healthy. One such skin condition that wheatgrass can help is acne.

Millions of people around the world have acne, and there is strong evidence that three is a connection between the food that we eat and the amount of acne that is on our skin.

During pregnancy, our skin can change and become very oily, our hair can thin (or become even thicker) and nails grow faster, sometimes becoming brittle. Whilst most side effects are temporary, there are great natural remedies worth considering.

I am convinced that drinking wheatgrass juice as part of a healthy living regimen can reduce acne. Although most physicians are quick to dismiss remedies that aren’t pharmaceutical, many people have used wheatgrass to treat acne with great successs.

Skin care companies know about the healing properties of wheatgrass as well.  You can buy skin creams that contain wheatgrass as a major ingredient. Not all doctors dismiss wheatgrass and other home remedies though.  There is a doctor in Australia who has treated over 30,000 patients with skin problems. He is absolutely convinced that wheatgrass can heal skin problems like excema, wound healing, post-laser surgery, on skin grafts, and applied to burns.


Here is what he has to say:

“Based on comprehensive scientific evidence and my own numerous clinical observations (>25,000) since 1995, wheatgrass and other cereal grasses appear to be capable of stimulating the activity of human growth factors. This process in turn facilitates the natural healing process in hemostasis and hemolysis, wound healing, fracture healing, inflammation and numerous other situations.” Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S. 
Have you used wheatgrass to treat any skin ailments?


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