If you’ve been lucky enough to inherit some pre-loved baby clothing that has been in
storage for a while, it’s possible that overtime the clothing has acquired some stains.  You may have packed away your first child’s clothes only to go through them again and notice strange colors.  Sometimes no matter how clever you are or how diligently you are in packing items away, clothes can become yellow.

It’s got to do with oxidisation. These now visible stains show up in places where there used to be a stain that was bleached, or something spilled that didn’t stain immediately.   Overtime the area oxidized and the stain became visible.


Here are some quick and safe tips to getting stains off baby clothing:

  1. Sunlight soap:  Sunlight soap has many uses, in the kitchen, laundry and for personal use. With a great lemon scent it is a handy item to have around and works wonders. Rub it directly on the stain or grate some of the soap and use it in your regular wash.
  2. Pink Napisan: Apply some Napisan directly onto the stain and also consider soaking the item in a bucket of cold water with additional Napisan in it too.  Leave for couple hours.
  3. Orange oil: A great stain remover in a spray bottle. Easy to use.
  4. Borax: Try soaking stained clothing, for even up to a week if necessary, in a  mixture of cold water with a scoop each of laundry powder, soaker (eco store) and borax. Then wash in a long cold wash with the same powder, soaker and borax and hang out on a really sunny day.
  5. Storage alternatives: There are many options for storing clothing but a common menthol that alleviates the onset of yellow stains is to store light coloured baby clothes in blue tissue paper.  Worth a try!
  6. Sunlight: Try hanging them in sunlight after a good wash.
  7. Bleach: If garments are white, you can always try bleach.
  8. Nature Bright: Soak them in a solution of Nature Bright dissolved in boiling hot water. Repeat if necessary and for more stubborn stains let it soak for 3-4 days. No scrubbing needed.


Sometimes no matter how much effort you make some stains persist. If the items are not ones you really want to cherish, it may be worthwhile parting with it or repurposing the unstained part for something else.  Baby dolls clothes maybe?


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