Do Babies Wear Clothes In The Hospital


Other than their birthday suit, have you ever wondered what babies wear in hospital after they are born? Do they wear clothes, onesies, a hospital gown or something else.

You’ve no doubt packed your hospital bag and prepared your diaper bag in readiness for birth, but knowing what clothing your baby will need is just as important.

Yes, babies do wear clothes in the hospital.  What they wear may depend on their circumstances but it is a good idea to pack something special just for them, including a going home outfit.

  1. Hospital clothes: Check with your hospital what they will provide, if anything at all.  Some hospitals offer diapers and a sleep gown or side snap shirt whilst others require you to bring everything you’ll need including swaddles and blankets.
  2. Clothing for warmth: Depending on the time of the year you may want to consider a hat for your baby and some little socks too.
  3. Scratch mittens: Babies are notorious for being born with super sharp nails so to avoid them scratching their face, a little pair of mittens will be very handy.
  4. Diapers: Whether you opt for cloth or disposable diapers, you’ll most likely need to supply these also.
  5. Variety of sizes: It’s hard to know just how big or small your baby will be when it is born so if you are packing a few nighties or onesies, consider packing a couple of different sizes.   Tip: Because diaper changes are so frequent you may choose not use an outfit with legs and just keep baby swaddled so they are always nice and warm.  

There are some other very handy items you may want to consider packing too, including wipes, a baby wash cloth, baby wash and moisturiser, paw paw or nappy cream, a newborn dummy (if using one) and nipple cream.

Before you go overboard packing clothes for baby check with your hospital. Due to the security requirements at some hospitals, babies must stay in the hospital clothing and blankets until they are discharged. In this case, babies stay in the hospital t-shirts until security (identity) bands are removed and you go home.


Pre-wash any clothes you bring from home for baby

It is important too that you wash baby clothes before they wear them.  Read all about why here! Everything from blankets to swaddles, bibs, cloth diapers and outfits.


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